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Sunday, June 30, 2013

BBA Update: Bassey Flashes His Privates At Beverly In A Bid To Get Laid! (Photo)

Let me first say that this year's contestants are the craziest lot ever witnessed. Back to the matter at hand; whether the pint-sized Seirra Leonean dude had one too many or was sober, his action last evening was totally outrageous.
It was Bassey’s chance in Rendezvous Room with Beverly when he decided to run wild as he begged for a bang from the Nigerian but a rather outlandish manner.

Bassey recently kicked it off with a smaller request for a kiss using both peaceful and forceful means, he later went more wild with an attempt to use the given Rubber for a bang of course! Whether he was serious or not cannot be quickly ascertained but that could only be told if Beverly had submitted to his demands which she didn't.

After that failed, he then decided to flash his privates at the Nigerian model, to see if it could change her mind and put her in the same state he was in. After showing Beverly his baloney pony he asked her is she had liked it!
This was a total pause moment!

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